Rule conditions

The condition is the part of the rule that states under which circumstances. the rule matches. It can contain the typical boolean operators and, or, and not, and relational operators >=, <=, <, >, == and !=. Also, the arithmetic operators (+, -, *, \, %) and bitwise operators (&, |, <<, >>, ~, ^) can be used on numerical expressions.

Pattern identifiers are used in conditions, acting as boolean variables whose value depends on the presence of the associated pattern in the scanned data. If the pattern is found in the data, the corresponding variable will be true, and false if otherwise.

rule Example {
        $a = "text1"
        $b = "text2"
        $c = "text3"
        $d = "text4"
        ($a or $b) and ($c or $d)


The following table lists the precedence and associativity of all operators. The table is sorted in descending precedence order. When parsing an expression, operators with the highest precedence will be bound tighter (as if by parentheses) to its arguments than any operator with a lower precedence. For example, the expressions 1 << a & b is parsed as (1 << a) & b

Operators that have the same precedence are bound to their arguments in the direction of their associativity.

13[]Array subscriptingLeft-to-right
13.Struct member accessLeft-to-right
12-Unary minusRight-to-left
12~Bitwise notRight-to-left
9<<Bitwise shift-leftLeft-to-right
9>>Bitwise shift-rightLeft-to-right
8&Bitwise andLeft-to-right
7^Bitwise xorLeft-to-right
6|Bitwise orLeft-to-right
5<Less thanLeft-to-right
5<=Less than or equal toLeft-to-right
5>Greater thanLeft-to-right
5>=Greater than or equal toLeft-to-right
4==Equal toLeft-to-right
4!=Not equal toLeft-to-right
4containsString contains substringLeft-to-right
4icontainsLike contains, but case-insensitiveLeft-to-right
4startswithString starts with substringLeft-to-right
4istartswithLike startswith, but case-insensitiveLeft-to-right
4endswithString ends with substringLeft-to-right
4endsswithLike endswith, but case-insensitiveLeft-to-right
4iequalsCase-insensitive string comparisonLeft-to-right
4matchesString matches regular expressionLeft-to-right
3definedCheck is expression is definedRight-to-left
3notLogical notRight-to-left
2andLogical andLeft-to-right
1orLogical orLeft-to-right

Counting pattern occurrences

Sometimes we need to know not only if a certain pattern is present or not, but how many times the pattern appears in the data. The number of occurrences of each pattern is represented by a variable whose name is the pattern identifier but with a # character in place of the $ character. For example:

rule CountExample {
        $a = "dummy1"
        $b = "dummy2"
        #a == 6 and #b > 10

The rule above rule matches if the data contains “dummy1” exactly six times, and “dummy2” more than 10 times.

It’s also possible to limit the occurrences to some offset range in the scanned data. For instance, the condition below means that there must be exactly 2 occurrences of “dummy1” in the last 500 bytes of the data.

#a in (filesize-500..filesize) == 2

Finding patterns at specific offsets

In most cases, when we use a pattern identifier in a condition, we want to check if the associated pattern appears anywhere within the data. However, sometimes we specifically need to know if the pattern is located at a particular position in the data. In such cases, we use the at operator. Here’s how it works:

rule AtExample {
        $a = "dummy1"
        $b = "dummy2"
        $a at 100 and $b at 200

In this example, $a at 100 evaluates to true only if the pattern $a is found at offset 100 in the data, and $b should appear at offset 200. It’s important to note that both offsets are specified in decimal format, but hexadecimal numbers can also be used by adding the prefix 0x before the number, similar to the convention in the C language. Additionally, remember that the at operator takes precedence over the and operator.

While the at operator allows to search for a pattern at some fixed offset in the data, the in operator allows to search for the pattern within a range of offsets.

rule InExample {
        $a = "dummy1"
        $b = "dummy2"
        $a in (0..100) and $b in (100..filesize)

In the example above the pattern $a must be found at some offset between 0 and 100, while pattern $b must be at some offset between 100 and the end of the file. Again, numbers are decimal by default.

You can also get the offset of the i-th occurrence of pattern $a by using @a[i]. The indexes are one-based, so the first occurrence would be @a[1] the second one @a[2], and so on. If you provide an index greater than the number of occurrences of the pattern, the result will be a NaN (Not A Number) value.

Match lengths

For many regular expressions and hex patterns containing jumps, the length of the match will vary. If you have the regular expression /fo*/ the strings " fo", “foo” and “fooo” can be matches, all of them with a different length.

You can use the length of the match as part of your condition by using the character ! in front of the pattern identifier, in a similar way you use the @ character for the offset. !a[1] is the length for the first match of $a, !a[2] is the length for the second match, and so on. !a is an abbreviated form of !a[1].

Integers are always 64-bits long, even the results of functions like uint8, uint16 and uint32 are promoted to 64-bits. This is something you must take into account, specially while using bitwise operators (for example, ~0x01 is not 0xFE but 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE).

The following table lists the precedence and associativity of all operators. The table is sorted in descending precedence order, which means that operators listed on a higher row in the list are grouped prior operators listed in rows further below it. Operators within the same row have the same precedence, if they appear together in a expression the associativity determines how they are grouped.

File size

Pattern identifiers are not the only variables that can appear in a condition ( in fact, rules can be defined without patterns, as will be shown below), there are other special variables that can be used as well. One of these special variables is filesize, which holds, as its name indicates, the size of the file being scanned. The size is expressed in bytes.

rule FileSizeExample {
        filesize > 200KB

The previous example also demonstrates the use of the KB postfix. This postfix, when attached to a numerical constant, automatically multiplies the value of the constant by 1024. The MB postfix can be used to multiply the value by 2^20. Both postfixes can be used only with decimal constants.

Reading data at a given offset

There are many situations in which you may want to write conditions that depend on data stored at a certain file offset. In those situations you can use one of the following functions to read data from the file at the given offset:





The intXX functions read 8, 16, and 32 bits signed integers from the given offset, while functions uintXX read unsigned integers. Both 16 and 32-bit integers are considered to be little-endian. If you want to read a big-endian integer use the corresponding function ending in be. The offset parameter can be any expression returning an unsigned integer, including the return value of one the uintXX functions. Let’s see a rule to distinguish PE files:

rule IsPE {
        // MZ signature at offset 0 and ...
        uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and
        // ... PE signature at offset stored in MZ header at 0x3C
        uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550

Sets of patterns

There are circumstances in which it is necessary to express that the data should contain a certain number patterns from a given set. None of the patterns in the set are required to be present, but at least some of them should be. In these situations the of operator can be used.

rule OfExample1 {
        $a = "dummy1"
        $b = "dummy2"
        $c = "dummy3"
        2 of ($a, $b, $c)

This rule requires that at least two of the patterns in the set ($a, $b, $c) must be present in the data, but it does not matter which two. Of course, when using this operator, the number before the of keyword must be less than or equal to the number of patterns in the set.

The elements of the set can be explicitly enumerated like in the previous example, or can be specified by using wildcards. For example:

rule OfExample2{
        $foo1 = "foo1"
        $foo2 = "foo2"
        $foo3 = "foo3"
        2 of ($foo*)  // equivalent to 2 of ($foo1,$foo2,$foo3)

rule OfExample3 {
        $foo1 = "foo1"
        $foo2 = "foo2"
        $bar1 = "bar1"
        $bar2 = "bar2"
        3 of ($foo*, $bar1, $bar2)

You can even use ($*) to refer to all the patterns in your rule, or write the equivalent keyword them for more legibility.

rule OfExample4 {
        $a = "dummy1"
        $b = "dummy2"
        $c = "dummy3"
        1 of them // equivalent to 1 of ($*)

In all the examples above, the number of patterns have been specified by a numeric constant, but any expression returning a numeric value can be used. The keywords any, all and none can be used as well.

all of them       // all patterns in the rule
any of them       // any patterns in the rule
all of ($a*)      // all patterns whose identifier starts by $a
any of ($a,$b,$c) // any of $a, $b or $c
1 of ($*)         // same that "any of them"
none of ($b*)     // none of the set of patterns that start with "$b"


Using 0 of them is an ambiguous part of the language which should be avoided in favor of none of them. To grasp this, let’s consider the meaning of 2 of them, which is true if two or more of the patterns match. Historically, 0 of them followed this principle and would evaluate to true if at least one of the patterns matched. This ambiguity was resolved in YARA 4.3.0 by making 0 of them evaluate to true if exactly zero patterns match. To enhance clarity and avoid confusion, it’s recommended to use none instead of 0. This way it’s easier to reason about the meaning of the statement.

It’s also possible to search for a set of patterns in an offset range, like this:

all of ($a*) in (filesize-500..filesize)
any of ($a*, $b*) in (1000..2000)

Or in a specific offset, like this:

any of ($a*) at 0

Applying the same condition to many patterns

There is another operator very similar to of but even more powerful, the for..of operator. The syntax is:

for <quantifier> of <pattern_set> : ( <boolean_expression> )

And it means: from those patterns in <pattern_set>, at least <quantifier> of them must satisfy <boolean_expression>. In other words: <boolean_expression> is evaluated for every pattern in <pattern_set> and there must be at least <quantifier> of them returning true.

Of course, <boolean_expression> can be any boolean expression accepted in the condition section of a rule, except for one important detail: here you can (and should) use a dollar sign ($) as a place-holder for the pattern being evaluated.

Take a look at the following expression:

for any of ($a, $b, $c) : ( $ at pe.entry_point  )

The $ symbol in the boolean expression is not tied to any particular pattern, it will be $a, and then $b, and then $c in the three successive evaluations of the expression.

Maybe you already realised that the of operator is a special case of for..of. The following expressions are the same:

any of ($a, $b, $c)
for any of ($a, $b, $c) : ( $ )

You can also employ the symbols #, @, and ! to make reference to the number of occurrences, the first offset, and the length of each pattern respectively.

for all of them : ( # > 3 )
for all of ($a*) : ( @ > @b )

Anonymous patterns

When using the of and for..of operators followed by them, the identifier assigned to each pattern in the rule is usually superfluous. As we are not referencing any pattern individually we do not need to provide a unique identifier for each of them. In those situations you can declare anonymous patterns with identifiers consisting only of the $ character, as in the following example:

rule AnonymousStrings {
        $ = "dummy1"
        $ = "dummy2"
        1 of them

Iterating over pattern occurrences

As seen in Finding patterns at specific offsets, the offsets where a given patternst appears can be accessed by using the syntax: @a[i], where i is an index indicating which occurrence of the pattern $a you are referring to. (@a[1], @a[2],…). Sometimes you will need to iterate over some of these offsets and guarantee they satisfy a given condition. In such cases you can use the syntax, for example:

rule Occurrences {
        $a = "dummy1"
        $b = "dummy2"
        for all i in (1,2,3) : ( @a[i] + 10 == @b[i] )

The previous rule says that the first occurrence of $b should be 10 bytes after the first occurrence of $a, and the same should happen with the second and third occurrences of the two patterns.

The same condition could be written also as:

for all i in (1..3) : ( @a[i] + 10 == @b[i] )

Notice that we’re using a range (1..3) instead of enumerating the index values (1,2,3). Of course, we’re not forced to use constants to specify range boundaries, we can use expressions as well, as in the following example:

for all i in (1..#a) : ( @a[i] < 100 )

In this case we’re iterating over every occurrence of $a (remember that #a represents the number of occurrences of $a). This rule is specifying that every occurrence of $a should be within the first 100 bytes of the file.

In case you want to express that only some occurrences of the pattern should satisfy your condition, the same logic seen in the for..of operator applies here:

for any i in (1..#a) : ( @a[i] < 100 )

for 2 i in (1..#a) : ( @a[i] < 100 )

The operator is similar to for..of, but the latter iterates over a set of patterns, while the former iterates over ranges, enumerations, arrays and dictionaries.

Referencing other rules

When writing the condition for a rule, you can also make reference to a previously defined rule in a manner that resembles a function invocation of traditional programming languages. In this way you can create rules that depend on others. Let’s see an example:

rule Rule1 {
        $a = "dummy1"

rule Rule2 {
        $a = "dummy2"
        $a and Rule1

As can be seen in the example, a file will satisfy Rule2 only if it contains the string dummy2 and satisfies Rule1. Note that it is strictly necessary to define the rule being invoked before the one that will make the invocation.