Hex patterns

Hex patterns allow to search for arbitrary byte sequences. They allow four special constructions that make them more flexible: wildcards, negations, jumps, and alternatives.


Wildcards are simply placeholders that you can put in the pattern indicating that some bytes are unknown, and they should match anything. The placeholder character is the question mark (?). Here you have an example of a hex pattern with wildcards:

rule WildcardExample {
        $hex = { E2 34 ?? C8 A? FB }

As shown in the example the wildcards are nibble-wise, which means that you can define just one nibble of the byte and leave the other unknown (e.g: A?).


You may also specify that a byte is not a specific value. For that you can use the not operator:

rule NotExample {
        $hex_1 = { F4 23 ~00 62 B4 }
        $hex_2 = { F4 23 ~?0 62 B4 }
        $hex_1 and $hex_2

In the example above we have a byte prefixed with a tilde (~), which is the not operator. This defines that the byte in that location can take any value except the value specified. In this case the first string will only match if the byte is not 00. The not operator can also be used with nibble-wise wildcards, so the second string will only match if the second nibble is not zero.


Wildcards and not operators are useful when defining patterns whose content can vary, but you know the length of the variable chunks, however, this is not always the case. In some circumstances you may need to define patterns with chunks of variable content and length. In those situations you can use jumps instead of wildcards:

rule JumpExample {
        $hex = { F4 23 [4-6] 62 B4 }

In the example above we have a pair of numbers enclosed in square brackets and separated by a hyphen, that’s a jump. This jump is indicating that any arbitrary sequence from 4 to 6 bytes can occupy the position of the jump. Any of the following strings will match the pattern:

F4 23 01 02 03 04 62 B4
F4 23 00 00 00 00 00 62 B4
F4 23 15 82 A3 04 45 22 62 B4

Any jump [X-Y] must meet the condition 0 <= X <= Y. These are valid jumps:

FE 39 45 [0-8] 89 00
FE 39 45 [23-45] 89 00
FE 39 45 [1000-2000] 89 00

But this is invalid, because the lower bound is greater than the lower bound:

FE 39 45 [10-7] 89 00

If the lower and higher bounds are equal you can write a single number enclosed in brackets, like this:

FE 39 45 [6] 89 00

The above string is equivalent to both of these:

FE 39 45 [6-6] 89 00
FE 39 45 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 89 00

The bounds can be also implicit:

FE 39 45 [10-] 89 00
FE 39 45 [-] 89 00

The first one means [10-infinite], the second one means [0-infinite].


There are also situations in which you may want to provide different alternatives for a given fragment of your hex pattern. In those situations you can use a syntax which resembles a regular expression:

rule AlternativesExample1 {
        $hex = { F4 23 ( 62 B4 | 56 ) 45 }

This rule will match any file containing F4 23 62 B4 45 or F4 23 56 45.

But more than two alternatives can be also expressed. In fact, there are no limits to the amount of alternative sequences you can provide, and neither to their lengths.

rule AlternativesExample2 {
        $hex = { F4 23 ( 62 B4 | 56 | 45 ?? 67 ) 45 }

As can be seen also in the above example, patterns containing wildcards are allowed as part of alternative sequences.