
The console module allows you to log information during condition execution. By default, the log messages are sent to stdout.

Every function in the console module returns true for the purposes of condition evaluation. This means you must logically and your statements together to get the proper output. For example:

import "console"

rule example {
        console.log("Hello") and console.log("World!")



Logs the given string.

Example: console.log(pe.imphash())

log(message, string)

Logs the given message and string.

Example: console.log("The imphash is: ", pe.imphash())


Logs the given integer.

Example: console.log(uint32(0))

log(message, integer)

Logs the given message and integer.

Example: console.log("32bits at 0: ", uint32(0))


Logs the given float number.

Example: console.log(math.entropy(0, filesize))

log(message, float)

Logs the given message and float number.

Example: console.log("Entropy: ", math.entropy(0, filesize))


Logs the given number as hex.

Example: console.hex(uint32(0))

hex(message, integer)

Logs the given message and number, with the number as hex.

Example: console.hex("Hex at 0: ", uint32(0))