Config file

YARA-X uses a configuration file to control the behavior of its various commands. Currently, it supports settings for the fmt command, but additional command options will be introduced in future updates.

By default, YARA-X looks for the configuration file at ${HOME}/.yara-x.toml when it starts. If the file is not present, default settings are used instead.

An example .yara-x.toml file is shown below, with comments that explain each option.

# Config file for YARA-X.
# The `[fmt]` section controls the behavior of the "fmt" command, which is 
# responsible for formatting YARA rules. Settings are defined as key-value 
# pairs, using dot notation to specify different aspects of formatting.
# The available namespaces are:
# - `rule`: Options that apply to formatting the overall rule structure.
# - `meta`: Options specific to the "meta" section of a rule.
# - `patterns`: Options specific to formatting the "patterns" section of a rule.


# Indent section headers. When enabled, section headers (like "condition:") will
# be indented to improve readability.
# == Example ==
# Before:
# rule a {
# condition:
# true
# }
# After:
# rule a {
#   condition:
#   true
# }
rule.indent_section_headers = true

# Indent the contents within each section. This controls whether the content 
# under each section header (e.g., "condition:") is indented.
# == Example == 
# Before:
# rule a {
# condition:
# true
# }
# After:
# rule a {
#   condition:
#     true
# }
rule.indent_section_contents = true

# Number of spaces used for indentation.
# - Set to a positive integer to indicate the number of spaces per indentation 
#   level.
# - If set to `0`, tabs will be used instead of spaces.
# - To completely disable indentation, set both `rule.indent_section_headers` 
#   and `rule.indent_section_contents` to `false`.
rule.indent_spaces = 2

# Align metadata key-value pairs. This controls whether metadata values in the 
# "meta" section should be aligned for readability. When enabled, the key-value 
# pairs in metadata will be visually aligned to make them easier to compare.
# == Example ==
# Before:
# rule a {
#   meta:
#     key = "a"
#     long_key = "b"
# }
# After (with alignment enabled):
# rule a {
#   meta:
#     key      = "a"
#     long_key = "b"
# }
# Note: Alignment is performed using spaces, regardless of the `rule.indent_spaces`
# setting.
meta.align_values = false

# Align pattern key-value pairs. Similar to `meta.align_values`, but applies to 
# the "patterns" section.
patterns.align_values = false