
YARA-X provides a modern command-line interface (CLI) for performing common tasks, like scanning files with YARA rules, compiling rules, etc. This tool is named yr and is always followed by a top-level command, such as scan, compile, help and so on.

Let’s see the output of yr help:

> yr help
    yr [COMMAND]

  scan        Scan a file or directory
  compile     Compile rules to binary form
  dump        Show the data produced by YARA modules for a file
  fmt         Format YARA source files
  completion  Output shell completion code for the specified shell
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

You can get more help for a specific command by using yr help [COMMAND] or yr [COMMAND] --help (e.g: yr help scan, yr scan --help)


This is probably the most used command in the CLI, it allows to scan a file or directory with one or more YARA rules. The syntax for this command is:


The command receives one or more <RULES_PATH> arguments. Each <RULES_PATH> is the path of YARA source file or a directory containing source files. When <RULES_PATH> is a directory YARA-X iterates the directory recursively looking for any *.yar or *.yara files.

Each path can be prefixed with a namespace, the namespace and the path are separated by a semicolon (:), like in my_namespace:my_rules.yar. All rules in the path will be put under the specified namespace, isolated from rules in other namespaces.

<TARGET_PATH> is the path of the file or directory to be scanned.

The options supported by this command are:

–compiled-rules, -C

Indicates that <RULES_PATH> is a file containing compiled rules, not YARA source code. When this flag is used you must provide a single <RULES_PATH>. YARA-X can’t accept multiple files that contain compiled rules, however you can compile multiple YARA source files into a single compiled file.

YARA rules are compiled using the compile command.

–count, -c

Prints the number of matching rules per file. Instead of printing the names of the rules that matches each file, it prints the number the total number of rules matching each file.

–define, -d <VAR=VALUE>

Defines external variables.


--define some_int=1
--define some_float=3.14
--define some_bool=true
--define some_str=\"foobar\"


Disables the output produced by the console module.

–disable-warnings, -w

Disables all warnings when used alone, or disable specific warnings when followed by comma-separated list of warnings identifiers.

Disable all warnings:


Disable warning slow_patterns:


Disable warnings slow_patterns and redundant_modifier:


Equivalent to the previous one, but using --disable-warnings multiple times:

--disable-warnings=slow_patterns --disable-warnings=redundant_modifier


Rules that use the specified module will be ignored, as well as any rules that depends directly or indirectly on such rules. This option can be used more than once for ignored different modules.

–negate, -n

Prints the rules that doesn’t match instead of those that match.

–output-format, -o

Specify the output format. Available options are text and ndjson. By default, the output format is text. The ndjson format, which stands for newline-delimited JSON, presents the results as one JSON object per line. Each JSON object details the matches for a single file. Here is an example output:

{"path": "onefile.exe","rules": [{"identifier": "some_rule"}]}
{"path": "anotherfile.exe","rules":[{"identifier": "another_urle"}]}

Other options like --print-strings and --print-namespace also affect the fields included in the JSON object. For example, using the --print-namespace option adds a “namespace” field to each JSON object.

To parse the ndjson format, you can use the jq tool. For instance, to extract only the paths of the matching files, you can run:

yr scan --output-format ndjson rules/test.yara /bin | jq .path


Use the path of each YARA source file as its namespace.

This is useful when you have multiple source files but some of them contain rules with the same names. If you put the rules from all the files under the same namespace, YARA is going to complain about the duplicated rule identifiers. However, if every file is put under its own namespace the rule names won’t collide.

–print-meta, -m

Prints the metadata associated to matching rules.

–print-namespace, -e

Prints the namespace of matching rules.

–print-strings, -s

Prints the matching patterns or strings.

–print-tags, -g

Print the tags associated to matching rules.


Use a more relaxed syntax check while parsing regular expressions.

YARA-X enforces stricter regular expression syntax compared to YARA. For instance, YARA accepts invalid escape sequences and treats them as literal characters (e.g., \R is interpreted as a literal R). It also allows some special characters to appear unescaped, inferring their meaning from the context (e.g., { and } in /foo{}bar/ are literal, but in /foo{0,1}bar/ they form the repetition operator {0,1}).

This setting controls whether the compiler should mimic YARA’s behavior, allowing constructs that YARA-X doesn’t accept by default.


Indicate that <TARGET_PATH> is a file containing the paths to be scanned.

<TARGET_PATH> must be a text file containing one path per line. The paths must be either absolute paths, or relative to the current directory.

–skip-larger <FILE_SIZE>

Skips files larger than the given size in bytes.

–tag , -t

Print only the matching rules that have the given tag.

–threads, -p <NUM_THREADS>

Use the specified number of threads. By default, it uses as many threads as CPU cores.

–timeout, -a

Abort scanning after the given number of seconds.


This command allows compiling one or more YARA source files into a single binary file. The binary file can be passed later to the scan command by using the --compiled-rules option. This way you can compile the rules once, and re-used for multiple scan operations.

The syntax for this command is:


Each <RULES_PATH> is the path of YARA source file or a directory containing source files. When<RULES_PATH> is a directory YARA-X iterates the directory recursively looking for any *.yar or *.yara files.

Each path can be prefixed with a namespace, the namespace and the path are separated by a semicolon (:), like in my_namespace:my_rules.yar. All rules in the path will be put under the specified namespace, isolated from rules in other namespaces.


See –disable-warnings for the scan command.


See –ignore-module for the scan command.

–output, -o <OUTPUT_PATH>

Specify the path for the output binary file containing the compiled rules. By default, is output.yarc.


See –path-as-namespace for the scan command.


See –relaxed-re-syntax for the scan command.


This command allows inspecting the output produced by YARA-X modules for a file. The syntax for this command is:

yr dump [OPTIONS] [FILE]

This command will pass the file to multiple YARA-X modules, including pe, macho, elf, dotnet, and lnk. The structure produced by all these modules will dumped to stdout in YAML format.

If the file is not provided it will be read from stdin.

–output-format, -o

Specify the output format. Possible values are: json and yaml. The default value is yaml.

–module, -m

Specify the modules that you are interested in. Possible values are: lnk, macho, elf, pe and dotnet. By default all modules are tried, but only the modules that produced some information will appear in the output.

This option can be used multiple times for specifying more than one module. For example:

yr dump --module=pe --module=dotnet <FILE>


Turn off output colors.

By default, both YAML and JSON outputs contains colors that improves their legibility, this option turns off colors. When the output of this command is redirected from stdout to a file, colors are turned off automatically, even if --no-colors is missing.


Format YARA source files.

This command is similar in spirit to other code formatting tools like gofmt and rustfmt.

yr fmt <FILE>...

—check, -c

Run in “check” mode. Doesn’t modify any file, but exits error code 0 if the files are formatted correctly and no change is necessary, or error code 1 if otherwise.