
C and C++ are still among the most popular languages for systems programming and, the lingua franca for interoperability between languages. Without the possibility of talking to C/C++ code, YARA-X would never get serious adoption. For this reason, we provide a C API that allows interacting with YARA-X from C/C++ programs.

This section describes the C API and explains how to create the header files and libraries that you will need to integrate YARA-X in your project.

Building the C library

For building the C library using cargo-c is the easiest way. If you don’t have cargo-c installed yet, this is the first step:

cargo install cargo-c

Once cargo-c in installed, go to the root directory of the YARA-X repository and type:

cargo cinstall -p yara-x-capi --release

The command above will put the library and header files in the correct path in your system (usually /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include for Linux and MacOS users), and will generate a .pc file so that pkg-config knows about the library.

In Linux and MacOS you can check if everything went fine by compiling a simple test program, like this:

cat <<EOF > test.c
#include <yara_x.h>
int main() {
    YRX_RULES* rules;
    yrx_compile("rule dummy { condition: true }", &rules);

gcc `pkg-config --cflags yara_x_capi` `pkg-config --libs yara_x_capi` test.c

The compilation should succeed without errors.

Windows users will find all the files needed for importing YARA-X in the target/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/release directory. This includes:

  • A header file yara_x.h
  • A module definition file yara_x_capi.def
  • A DLL file yara_x_capi.dll with its corresponding import library yara_x_capi.dll.lib
  • A static library yara_x_capi.lib

API overview

Using YARA-X from C involves a two-step process: rule compilation and scanning. During the rule compilation phase you transform YARA rules from text into a compiled YRX_RULES object. This object is later used for scanning data.

To compile rules, you can either use the yrx_compile function or a YRX_COMPILER object. The former is simpler and sufficient for simpler scenarios. For more complex use-cases involving the use of namespaces and multiple rule sets, the latter method is necessary.

Once you have a YRX_RULES object, you must create a YRX_SCANNER object that will use the compiled rules for scanning data. A new scanner can be created with yrx_scanner_create. It’s ok to use the same YRX_RULES object with multiple scanners, and use each scanner from a different thread to scan different data with the same rules in parallel. Each scanner must be used by a single thread, though.

Scanners and rules must be destroyed by calling yrx_scanner_destroy and yrx_rules_destroy respectively, but the rules must be destroyed only after all scanners using them are already destroyed.

You must use yrx_scanner_on_matching_rule to give the scanner a callback function that will be called for every matching rule. The callback function receives a pointer to a YRX_RULE structure representing the matching rule, and gives you access to details about the rule, like its identifier and namespace.

API reference


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_compile(
    const char *src, 
    struct YRX_RULES **rules);

Function that takes a string with one or more YARA rules and produces a YRX_RULES object representing the rules in compiled form. This is the simplest way for compiling YARA rules, for more advanced use-cases you must use a YRX_COMPILER.


const char *yrx_last_error(void);

Returns the error message corresponding to the most recent invocation of a function in this API by the current thread. The returned pointer will be null if the most recent function call by the current thread was successfully.

Also, the pointer is only valid until the current thread calls some other function in this API.


Type that represents a YARA-X compiler. It takes one or more sets of YARA rules in text form and compile them into a YRX_RULES object.


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_compiler_create(
    uint32_t flags,
    struct YRX_COMPILER **compiler);

Creates a new compiler. It must be destroyed with yrx_compiler_destroy. The flags argument can be 0, or any combination of the following flags:


    Add colors to error messages.


    YARA-X enforces stricter regular expression syntax compared to YARA. For instance, YARA accepts invalid escape sequences and treats them as literal characters (e.g., \R is interpreted as a literal ‘R’). It also allows some special characters to appear unescaped, inferring their meaning from the context (e.g., { and } in /foo{}bar/ are literal, but in /foo{0,1}bar/ they form the repetition operator {0,1}).

    When this flag is set, YARA-X mimics YARA’s behavior, allowing constructs that YARA-X doesn’t accept by default.


void yrx_compiler_destroy(
    struct YRX_COMPILER *compiler);

Destroys the compiler YRX_COMPILER object.


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_compiler_add_source(
    struct YRX_COMPILER *compiler, 
    const char *src);

Adds a YARA source code to be compiled. This function can be called multiple times.


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_compiler_new_namespace(
    struct YRX_COMPILER *compiler,
    const char *namespace_);

Creates a new namespace. Further calls to yrx_compiler_add_source will put the rules under the newly created namespace. The namespace argument must be pointer to null-terminated UTF-8 string. If the string is not valid UTF-8 the result is an INVALID_ARGUMENT error.


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_compiler_define_global_str(
    struct YRX_COMPILER *compiler,
    const char *ident,
    const char *value);

enum YRX_RESULT yrx_compiler_define_global_bool(
    struct YRX_COMPILER *compiler,
    const char *ident,
    bool value);

enum YRX_RESULT yrx_compiler_define_global_int(
    struct YRX_COMPILER *compiler,
    const char *ident,
    int64_t value);

enum YRX_RESULT yrx_compiler_define_global_float(
    struct YRX_COMPILER *compiler,
    const char *ident,
    double value);

Defines a global variable and sets its initial value.

Global variables must be defined before calling yrx_compiler_add_source with some YARA rule that uses the variable. The variable will retain its initial value when the YRX_RULES object is used for scanning data, however each scanner can change the variable’s value by calling any of the yrx_scanner_set_global_xxxx functions.

The ident argument must be pointer to null-terminated UTF-8 string. If the string is not valid UTF-8 the result is an INVALID_ARGUMENT error.


struct YRX_RULES *yrx_compiler_build(struct YRX_COMPILER *compiler);

Builds the source code previously added to the compiler, producing a YRX_RULES object that can be used for scanning data.

The YRX_RULES object must be destroyed with yrx_rules_destroy when not used anymore.

After calling this function the compiler is reset to its initial state, you can keep using it by adding more sources and calling this function again.


Type that represents a set of compiled rules. The compiled rules can be used for scanning data by creating a scanner with yrx_scanner_create.


void yrx_rules_destroy(struct YRX_RULES *rules);

Destroys the YRX_RULES object. This function must be called only after all the scanners using the YRX_RULES object are destroyed.



enum YRX_RESULT yrx_scanner_create(
    const struct YRX_RULES *rules,
    struct YRX_SCANNER **scanner);

Creates a YRX_SCANNER object that can be used for scanning data with the provided YRX_RULES.

It’s ok to pass the same YRX_RULES to multiple scanners, and use each scanner from a different thread. The scanner can be used as many times as you want, and it must be destroyed with yrx_scanner_destroy. Also, the scanner is valid as long as the rules are not destroyed, so, always destroy the YRX_SCANNER object before the YRX_RULES object.


void yrx_scanner_destroy(struct YRX_SCANNER *scanner);

Destroys the YRX_SCANNER object.


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_scanner_on_matching_rule(
    struct YRX_SCANNER *scanner,
    YRX_ON_MATCHING_RULE callback,
    void *user_data);

Sets a callback function that is called by the scanner for each rule that matched during a scan.

The user_data pointer can be used to provide additional context to your callback function. If the callback is not set, the scanner doesn’t notify about matching rules.

See YRX_ON_MATCHING_RULE for more details.


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_scanner_scan(
    struct YRX_SCANNER *scanner,
    const uint8_t *data,
    size_t len);


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_scanner_set_timeout(
    struct YRX_SCANNER *scanner,
    uint64_t timeout);


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_scanner_set_global_str(
    struct YRX_SCANNER *scanner,
    const char *ident,
    const char *value);

enum YRX_RESULT yrx_scanner_set_global_bool(
    struct YRX_SCANNER *scanner,
    const char *ident,
    bool value);

enum YRX_RESULT yrx_scanner_set_global_int(
    struct YRX_SCANNER *scanner,
    const char *ident,
    int64_t value);

enum YRX_RESULT yrx_scanner_set_global_float(
    struct YRX_SCANNER *scanner,
    const char *ident,
    double value);


typedef void (*YRX_ON_MATCHING_RULE)(
    const struct YRX_RULE *rule,
    void *user_data);

Callback function passed to the scanner via yrx_scanner_on_matching_rule, which receives notifications about matching rules.

The callback receives a pointer to the matching rule, represented by a YRX_RULE structure. This pointer is guaranteed to be valid while the callback function is being executed, but it may be freed after the callback function returns, so you cannot use the pointer outside the callback.

It also receives the user_data pointer that was passed to yrx_scanner_on_matching_rule, which can point to arbitrary data owned by the user.


Represents a single YARA rule. The callback function passed to the scanner for reporting matches receives a pointer to a YRX_RULE.


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_rule_identifier(
    const struct YRX_RULE *rule,
    const uint8_t **ident,
    size_t *len);

Returns the identifier of the rule represented by rule.

Arguments ident and len are output parameters that receive pointers to a const uint8_t* and size_t, where this function will leave a pointer to the rule’s namespace and its length, respectively. The namespace is NOT null-terminated, you must use the returned len as the size of the namespace. The *ident pointer will be valid as long as the YRX_RULES object that contains the rule is not destroyed. The namespace is guaranteed to be a valid UTF-8 string.


enum YRX_RESULT yrx_rule_namespace(
    const struct YRX_RULE *rule,
    const uint8_t **ns,
    size_t *len);

Returns the namespace of the rule represented by rule.

Arguments ns and len are output parameters that receive pointers to a const uint8_t* and size_t, where this function will leave a pointer to the rule’s namespace and its length, respectively. The namespace is NOT null-terminated, you must use the returned len as the size of the namespace. The *ns pointer will be valid as long as the YRX_RULES object that contains the rule is not destroyed. The namespace is guaranteed to be a valid UTF-8 string.


struct YRX_METADATA *yrx_rule_metadata(const struct YRX_RULE *rule);

Returns an array with all the metadata values associated to the rule.

The metadata is represented by a YRX_METADATA object that must be destroyed with yrx_metadata_destroy when not needed anymore.


struct YRX_PATTERNS *yrx_rule_patterns(const struct YRX_RULE *rule);

Returns an array with all the patterns defined by the rule.

Each pattern contains information about whether it matched or not, and where in the data it matched. The patterns are represented by a YRX_PATTERNS object that must be destroyed with yrx_patterns_destroy when not needed anymore.


A set of patterns defined by a rule. You will get a pointer to one of these structures when calling yrx_rule_patterns, you are responsible for calling yrx_patterns_destroy when not using the structure anymore.

typedef struct YRX_PATTERNS {
    // Number of patterns.
    size_t num_patterns;
    // Pointer to an array of YRX_PATTERN structures. The array has
    // num_patterns items. If num_patterns is zero this pointer is 
    // invalid and should not be de-referenced.
    struct YRX_PATTERN *patterns;


void yrx_patterns_destroy(struct YRX_PATTERNS *patterns);

Destroys the YRX_PATTERNS object.


An individual pattern defined in a rule. The YRX_PATTERNS object has a pointer to an array of these structures.

typedef struct YRX_PATTERN {
    // Pattern's identifier (i.e: $a, $foo)
    char *identifier;
    // Number of matches found for this pattern.
    size_t num_matches;
    // Pointer to an array of YRX_MATCH structures describing the matches
    // for this pattern. The array has num_matches items. If num_matches is
    // zero this pointer is invalid and should not be de-referenced.
    struct YRX_MATCH *matches;


An individual match found for a pattern. The YRX_PATTERN object has a pointer to an array of these structures.

typedef struct YRX_MATCH {
    size_t offset;
    size_t length;


Contains the metadata values associated to a rule. You will get a pointer to one of these structures when calling yrx_rule_metadata, you are responsible for calling yrx_metadata_destroy when not using the structure anymore.

typedef struct YRX_METADATA {
    // Number of metadata entries.
    size_t num_entries;
    // Pointer to an array of YRX_METADATA_ENTRY structures. The array has
    // num_entries items. If num_entries is zero this pointer is invalid
    // and should not be de-referenced.
    struct YRX_METADATA_ENTRY *entries;


void yrx_metadata_destroy(struct YRX_METADATA *metadata);

Destroys the YRX_METADATA object.


An individual metadata entry. The YRX_METADATA object has a pointer to an array of these structures. The structure contains information about the metadata identifier, its type, and its value. The value field is a union with multiple alternatives, you must use the type indicated in the value_type for deciding which alternative to use while accessing the metadata value.

typedef struct YRX_METADATA_ENTRY {
    // Metadata identifier.
    char *identifier;
    // Type of value.
    enum YRX_METADATA_VALUE_TYPE value_type;
    // The value itself. This is a union, use the member that matches the
    // value type.
    union YRX_METADATA_VALUE value;


Each of the possible types of a metadata entry.



Union that represents a metadata value.

typedef union YRX_METADATA_VALUE {
    int64_t i64;
    double f64;
    bool boolean;
    char *string;
    struct YRX_METADATA_BYTES bytes;


Structure that represents a metadata value with an arbitrary sequence of bytes.

typedef struct YRX_METADATA_BYTES {
    // Number of bytes.
    size_t length;
    // Pointer to the bytes.
    uint8_t *data;


Error codes returned by multiple functions in this API.

typedef enum YRX_RESULT {
    // Everything was OK.
    // A syntax error occurred while compiling YARA rules.
    // An error occurred while defining or setting a global variable. This may
    // happen when a variable is defined twice and when you try to set a value
    // that doesn't correspond to the variable's type.
    // An error occurred during a scan operation.
    // A scan operation was aborted due to a timeout.
    // An error indicating that some of the arguments passed to a function is
    // invalid. Usually indicates a nil pointer to a scanner or compiler.
    // An error indicating that some of the strings passed to a function is
    // not valid UTF-8.
    // An error occurred while serializing/deserializing YARA rules.