
Get information about a file

Start by importing the vt module:

>>> import vt

Create a client, replace <apikey> with your actual VirusTotal API key:

>>> client = vt.Client("<apikey>")

Ask for the file you are interested in, you can replace the hash in the example with some other SHA-256, SHA-1 or MD5:

>>> file = client.get_object("/files/44d88612fea8a8f36de82e1278abb02f")

Now file is an instance of vt.Object that contains information about the requested file. This object have the attributes returned in the API response which are listed in the VirusTotal API v3 documentation. Some examples:

>>> file.size
>>> file.sha256
>>> file.type_tag
>>> file.last_analysis_stats
{'failure': 0, 'harmless': 0, 'malicious': 62, 'suspicious': 0, 'timeout': 0, 'type-unsupported': 9, 'undetected': 2}

Alternatively, you can use the vt.Object.get() method for retrieving object’s attributes:

>>> file.get("size")
>>> file.get("type_tag")

This method is useful for those attributes that are optional and do not appear in all files. For example, a Portable Executable (PE) file won’t have the pdf_info attribute, and PDF document won’t have the pe_info attribute. This means that file.pe_info will fail for PDF files but with file.get(“pe_info”) you are on the safe side, as it will return None if the pe_info attribute is not present.

Get information about an URL

Create a client as explained in the previous section and ask for the desired URL as follows:

>>> url_id = vt.url_id("http://www.virustotal.com")
>>> url = client.get_object("/urls/{}", url_id)

In this case the code is not as straightforward as it was for getting a file. While retrieving a file any of its hashes can be used as the file identifier, but with URLs is a bit more complicated. You must use vt.url_id() for generating the appropriate identifier. You can find more information about why this is necessary in: https://docs.virustotal.com/reference/url.

Also notice how we are using a placeholder {} in the path. The placeholder will be replaced with the value of url_id. This works exactly like Python’s new-style string formatting using the .format() function. This other code is equivalent:

>>> url = client.get_object("/urls/{}".format(url_id))

The returned object contains the URL attributes. Some examples:

>>> url.times_submitted
>>> url.last_analysis_stats
{'harmless': 61, 'malicious': 0, 'suspicious': 1, 'timeout': 0, 'undetected': 8}

Scan a file

Before scanning a file is highly recommended that you look up for it as described in Get information about a file. If the file already exists and the latest analysis is fresh enough, you can use that instead of scanning the file again. If not, you can scan it with:

>>> with open("/path/to/file", "rb") as f:
>>>   analysis = client.scan_file(f)

When vt.Client.scan_file() returns the analysis is not completed yet, the object returned only has the analysis ID but not attributes. In order to track the status of the analysis you must ask for the analysis object until it’s status is completed:

>>> while True:
>>>   analysis = client.get_object("/analyses/{}", analysis.id)
>>>   print(analysis.status)
>>>   if analysis.status == "completed":
>>>      break
>>>   time.sleep(30)

Alternatively you can use the wait_for_completion argument:

>>> with open("/path/to/file", "rb") as f:
>>>   analysis = client.scan_file(f, wait_for_completion=True)

When wait_for_completion is True vt.Client.scan_file() doesn’t return until the analysis has been completed.

Scan an URL

Scanning a URL is very similar to scanning a file, you just need to use vt.Client.scan_url() instead of vt.Client.scan_file():

>>> analysis = client.scan_url('https://somedomain.com/foo/bar')

Download a file


This feature is available only for premium users.

Downloading a file it’s very simple, you only need to provide the hash and a file-like object where the file’s content will be written to. The target file must be opened in “wb” mode:

>>> with open("/path/to/target_file", "wb") as f:
>>>   client.download_file("44d88612fea8a8f36de82e1278abb02f", f)

Start and abort a Retrohunt job


This feature is available only for premium users.

Create an empty object of type retrohunt_job and set its rules attribute:

>>> job = vt.Object("retrohunt_job")
>>> job.rules = "rule test { condition:false }"

Post the object to the /intelligence/retrohunt_jobs collection:

>>> job = client.post_object("/intelligence/retrohunt_jobs", obj=job)

Notice that job has been replaced with the value returned by vt.Client.post_object(), so now job has an ID and additional attributes.

>>> job.id
>>> job.status

With the object identifier you can ask for the job again a see it making progress. Wait for a few seconds and do:

>>> job = client.get_object("/intelligence/retrohunt_jobs/{}", job.id)

The job status should have changed to running:

>>> job.status

And the progress attribute should show the completion percentage:

>>> job.progress

Let’s abort the job:

>>> response = client.post("/intelligence/retrohunt_jobs/{}/abort", job.id)
>>> response.status

Here we are using vt.Client.post() instead of vt.Client.post_object(), this is because the /intelligence/retrohunt_jobs/{id}/abort endpoint doesn’t expect an object, just a POST request with an empty body. The result from vt.Client.post() is a vt.ClientResponse instance.

Create a LiveHunt ruleset


This feature is available only for premium users.

Create an empty object of type hunting_ruleset and set its name and rules attributes:

>>> rs = vt.Object("hunting_ruleset")
>>> rs.name = "My test ruleset"
>>> rs.rules = "rule test { condition:false }"

Post the object to the /intelligence/hunting_rulesets collection:

>>> rs = client.post_object("/intelligence/hunting_rulesets", obj=rs)

Because we didn’t set the enabled attribute while creating the ruleset, it was created with enabled=False by default:

>>> rs.enabled

Let’s enable the ruleset:

>>> rs.enabled = True
>>> rs = client.patch_object("/intelligence/hunting_rulesets/{}", rs.id, obj=rs)
>>> rs.enabled


Once you’re done using the client, call client.close() at the end of your script, to make sure the client is properly closed. Otherwise you might see tracebacks indicating the client was never closed.

>>> client.close()

If you use a context manager<https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#context-managers>, the client is automatically closed after exiting, so there’s no need to call close:

>>> with vt.Client('<apikey>') as client:
...     file = client.get_object("/files/44d88612fea8a8f36de82e1278abb02f")
...     print(file.type_tag)