Search for patterns within files in VirusTotal Intelligence
Search for content within files in VirusTotal
vt search content [query] [flags]
vt search content foobarbaz
vt search content '"foo bar baz"'
vt search content {cafebabe}
vt search content '{70 6C 75 73 76 69 63 [1] 79 61 72 61}'
vt search content '/virustotal(.org|.com)/'
-c, --cursor string cursor for continuing where the previous request left
-d, --download download files that match the query
-e, --exact-matches-only exact matches only
-h, --help help for content
-I, --identifiers-only print identifiers only
-n, --limit int maximum number of results (default 10)
-t, --threads int number of threads working in parallel (default 5)
-k, --apikey string API key
--proxy string HTTP proxy
-v, --verbose verbose output